
The problem

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The Nikab Unveiled

by Shakeel Shafi 1/29/06



Many times, scholars are referenced in order to legitimize the claims of proponents of the nikab. Let’s examine what a scholar is and their frames of mind. A scholar is a person of great knowledge in a particular field, who has attained their knowledge through study or research. Typically, a scholar is a PhD. In order to get a PhD one must complete a certain amount of schooling and then create and present a thesis. In the schooling the student is indoctrinated into a certain way of thinking. If the student doesn’t get indoctrinated, the student will not be allowed to go further. So let’s say the student gets to the point of finishing their schooling, then during their thesis dissertations they must convince others that their research is correct. This means that if they make statements that are against the grain of what the general belief is, their thesis will not be accepted and they will not be considered a PhD and hence will have their education wasted. Are they likely to do that………! They will most likely conform. If they don’t conform they will be called radicals and considered outcasts, definitely not scholars. Similarly, if they are not PhDs but have attained a lot of knowledge in the field, and they make statements that are against the societal norms, they are not allowed to speak their mind in the Muslim world. If they go against the grain of the standing social theological order, their ideas and work will not be considered. The key idea to remember here is that the word of a scholar is nothing more than the word of a person and when there is a group of them it is the word of a similar mind set, not necessarily the word of god. Because theology is not a hard fact science that can be proven right or wrong, the word of scholars in theology are only as good as their peers allow them to be. 2 plus 2 can be proven to equal 4, but God cannot scientifically be proven to exist. Similarly, historical social data cannot be proven to be true, only a general consensus can be held on how things were. In one piece of text a person can be revered while in another, that same person can be admonished. Historical data is often altered by people in power for their personal gains. This is why one must always question and analyze everything for themselves through multiple sources and various means.

This article is the original work and property of the author and Standing Toe to Toe Productions. This article is provided for informational purposes and may not be reproduced without the expressed written consent from the author. Permission to link to this web page is granted. Comments, feedback, and suggestions are encouraged.


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